Congreso SEFH - 68 Congreso

by Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria



Welcome to the official App of the 68th SEFH Congress!CongresoSEFH is an Android application about the 68th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy.This application provides free and real-time information to event attendees, SEFH members and the general public. It allows you to consult the scientific program, organize your agenda to attend the sessions, view the posters, oral communications, clinical cases, projects and pearls presented at the congress. In addition, you will be able to rate the presentations, the speakers, as well as share the sessions that are of interest to you on Twitter.Users will be informed at all times of what is happening through the photo gallery, videos and news that will appear highlighted on the front page of the App as they occur.We hope you enjoy a great conference.